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JOURNEY is the fruit of an experiment in spiritual direction by mail based loosely on The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. It chronicles the day-by-day growth of a soul reaching out to God.

Please see Introduction

MAY 27, 1986

Toward the beginning of this retreat, I mentioned a friend who had threatened the lives of several of my other friends. This evening, I received a call from one of them, saying that the grapevine has it that this man is threatening John as a way to get even with me. He finds my philosophy abhorrent.

This upset me very much, and I took it to my Father in prayer. He led me to pray for several things—John’s safety, courage (I was badly frightened), etc. Most of all, He gave me a very tender pity for the man. Oh, how wounded he must be! How he must hurt to want to lash back at the world in such a way! I prayed for his healing.

Tonight I feel very much like Abraham with Isaac. All I can do is trust my Father to know what He’s doing and to bring good from this evil situation. (1)

(1) Spiritual director: Remember this heartbreaking experience. Do you think Mary felt this way when people threatened her Son?


Copyright, 2001, Anita L. Matthews