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JOURNEY is the fruit of an experiment in spiritual direction by mail based loosely on The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. It chronicles the day-by-day growth of a soul reaching out to God.

Please see Introduction

MAY 25, 1986

I continued with an examination of the words in the passage.

Is with you: several possible meanings—on your side in a dispute (doesn’t fit)—supports you (doesn’t fit, either)—near you, physically, accompanying you (probable, in the sense of being in her heart).

Blessed: we say bless-ed, in the sense of meaning holy, but he must have said blest—the receiving of many and great blessings.

Among women: among all women, she would receive the greatest blessing ever.

Deeply troubled: “Who is this man? Why is he here? Why is he saying these things to me?”—perhaps a bit of fear—dangerous times—she would have been justified in fearing a strange man.

Wondered: questioned, but also a state of wonderment, awe.

Angel: spirit—invisible—had taken on a human form.

Do not fear: “I haven’t come to hurt you.”

Found favor with: met the standards of and is approved of as worthy.

You will conceive and bear a son: you will be the mother of a boy—to bear a son was a high dignity—not to bear a son was a dishonor for a woman.

Jesus: means “the Lord is salvation.”

Great will be His dignity: sounds as though it alluded to worldly honors.

Son of the Most High: spiritual—moves the honors out of the worldly realm into the spiritual.

Will give Him: will give Him as a gift, or all allow Him to achieve—probably the latter.

Throne of David: again sounds like a worldly honor.

David, his father: not literally—an ancestor—Mary, too, would have been of the House of David—predecessor that had something in common—David saved Israel from Goliath: Jesus would save us all from sin.

Rule over the House of Jacob: another seemingly worldly honor—achieve kingship.

Forever: throws all the worldly honors into a new light. Two ways to rule forever—found a dynasty that will never be toppled—live forever.

His reign will be without end: His reign—no dynasty—He, Himself, will reign forever—a forever dynasty would have been something to marvel at, but this…!

I do not know man: “I’m only engaged, not yet married.”

Holy Spirit will come upon you: the child will have no human father—spirit only.

Power of the Most High will overshadow you: God’s power will overcome your human nature so that it can bring forth a child without a material father.


Copyright, 2001, Anita L. Matthews